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WordPress Bitcoin Payments – Blockonomics Security Vulnerabilities


Satoshi Nakamoto - The Mysterious Bitcoin Creator finally identified in California

'Satoshi ****Nakamoto ', the mysterious founder and creator of the biggest digital cryptocurrency 'Bitcoin ' has reportedly been unmasked as a 64-year-old father of six living in Temple City, Southern California. Satoshi Nakamoto introduced Bitcoin to the world in 2008, but his identity has...

6.8AI Score

2014-03-06 04:42 AM

Symantec discovered Android Malware Toolkit named Dendroid

Android platform is becoming vulnerable day by day and hackers always try to manipulate android by applying novel techniques. In this regard, Symantec researchers have found a new android malware toolkit named “Dendroid”. Previously Symantec found an Android Remote admin tool named AndroRAT is...

7AI Score

2014-03-05 11:48 PM

Ecmall 2.x 多处安全漏洞汇总

简要描述: 一处通杀注入,同文件多处鸡肋注入,一处本地包含。累了不看了,体力活。。。 详细说明: 通杀注入:http://localhost/ecmall/index.php?app=my_goods&act=brand_list&order=asc&sort=1 and (select user_name from ecm_member where user_id=1 union select 1 from (select count(),concat(floor(rand(0)2),(select concat(user_name,password) from ecm_member...

7AI Score

2014-02-28 12:00 AM

Pony Botnet Steals $200,000, 700,000 Usernames, Passwords

Attackers leveraged a Pony botnet controller to not only siphon away a large batch of account credentials but also to make off with over $200,000 in Bitcoin and other virtual currencies over a four month span, according to researchers this week. It’s the second high profile instance of the Pony...

-0.1AI Score

2014-02-25 02:37 PM

Pony Botnet steals $220,000 from multiple Digital Wallets

Are you the one of the Digital Currency Holder? PONY is after You. A Group of cyber criminals has used hundreds of thousands of infected computers of the digital currency holders to filch approximately $220,000 worth of Bitcoins and other virtual currencies. The researchers at the security firm,...

6.5AI Score

2014-02-25 12:17 AM

World’s largest Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox Shuts Down; CEO quits Bitcoin Foundation

World’s largest Bitcoin exchange Mt. Gox has shut down its website, withdrawal system, deleted its Twitter feed and halted all trading systems after it detected "unusual activity." The Bitcoin Foundation, a Bitcoin advocacy group, confirmed th_at Mark ___Karpeles , the chief executive of...

6.8AI Score

2014-02-24 07:53 PM

Ransomware Scam Plagued by Weak Crypto

A new piece of ransomware that emerged earlier this month is encrypting its victim’s files with an easily breakable cryptographic algorithm. BitCrypt, as it is known, purports to lock down files with 1024-bit RSA encryption but actually only deploys a much weaker 426-bit key. According to...

-0.6AI Score

2014-02-24 03:43 PM

5 Best WhatsApp alternatives with end-to-end Encryption

WhatsApp acquisition may have had a negative impact on the reputation of the company, it seems many users are planning to switch the service and a few of them have already done it. In our previous article, we have mentioned that why you should switch from WhatsApp to an encrypted Chat messaging...

6.7AI Score

2014-02-24 12:55 AM

Threat Outbreak Alert: Fake Payment Transfer Slip Notification Email Messages on February 16, 2014.

Medium Alert ID: 32881 First Published: 2014 February 17 15:34 GMT Version: 1 Summary Cisco Security has detected significant activity related to spam email messages that claim to contain a payment transfer slip for the recipient. The text in the email message attempts to convince the...

0.2AI Score

2014-02-17 03:34 PM

Underground Marketplace 'Utopia' Seized by Dutch Police, 5 suspects arrested

After Silk Road, another underground online marketplace 'Utopia' has been seized by Dutch National Police, where users could buy illegal drugs and guns for home delivery. The police started their investigation under Codename 'Operation Commodore' in 2013, and finally seized Utopia's...

6.6AI Score

2014-02-13 05:36 AM

CoinThief Bitcoin Trojan Found on Popular Download Sites

Phony Bitcoin ticker apps hosted on popular sites and are fronts for the OSX/CoinThief Trojan, which was built to steal Bitcoin wallet credentials and keys, and to date has drained a small number of accounts. SecureMac lead developer Nicholas Ptacek said new variants of.....

1AI Score

2014-02-11 06:01 PM

Mac OSX Bitcoin Trojan malware Steals Wallet Credentials

A small number of Bitcoin wallets have been raided by a newly discovered Trojan that gobbles up credentials used to guard the digital currency. OSX/CoinThief.A was found in the wild by a security consultancy specializing in Apple security called SecureMac; the malware was spreading on GitHub via a....

0.1AI Score

2014-02-10 11:25 AM

LINKUP - First Ransomware trojan that modifies DNS settings to mine Bitcoin forcefully

Till now we all have heard about the Ransomware malware that encrypts your files or lock down your computer and ask for a ransom amount to be paid in a specified duration of time to unlock it. Emsisoft has detected a new piece of malware called "Linkup", dubbed as "Trojan-Ransom.Win32.Linkup" that....

6.8AI Score

2014-02-07 12:18 PM

Threat Outbreak Alert: Fake Product Invoice Notification Email Messages on September 10, 2014

Medium Alert ID: 32697 First Published: 2014 February 4 19:43 GMT Last Updated: 2014 September 11 13:23 GMT Version: 62 Summary Cisco Security has detected significant activity related to spam email messages that claim to contain an invoice notification for the recipient. The text in the...

AI Score

2014-02-04 07:43 PM

eBay and PayPal UK website hacked by Syrian Electronic Army

A pro-hacker group, aligned with president Bashar al-Assad, very well known as Syrian Electronic Army (SEA) has again gained the media attention by adding the popular sites, i.e. eBay UK and PayPal UK to its victim list. After targeting websites of various media agencies, government organizations.....

6.6AI Score

2014-02-02 12:36 AM

Threat Outbreak Alert: Fake Bank Payment Notification Email Messages on January 28, 2014

Medium Alert ID: 32598 First Published: 2014 January 28 21:31 GMT Version: 1 Summary Cisco Security has detected significant activity related to spam email messages that claim to contain a bank payment notification for the recipient. The text in the email message attempts to convince the...

0.8AI Score

2014-01-28 09:31 PM

CBI arrests Indian mastermind behind Hire-a-Hacker service on FBI tip-off

For the first time in history, Indian Law Enforcement Agency 'Central Bureau of Investigation' (CBI) has arrested a Cyber criminal after getting a tip-off from the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). 33-Year-old Amit Vikram __Tiwari, son of an Indian Army colonel and an engineering dropout,.....

6.7AI Score

2014-01-24 10:43 PM

Threat Outbreak Alert: Fake Bank Deposit Confirmation Email Messages on January 24, 2014

Medium Alert ID: 32563 First Published: 2014 January 24 21:01 GMT Version: 1 Summary Cisco Security has detected significant activity related to spam email messages that claim to contain a bank payment notification for the recipient. The text in the email message attempts to convince the...

AI Score

2014-01-24 09:01 PM

Threat Outbreak Alert: Fake Invoices and Payments Certification Email Messages on January 22, 2014

Medium Alert ID: 32525 First Published: 2014 January 22 19:49 GMT Version: 1 Summary Cisco Security has detected significant activity related to Spanish-language spam email messages that claim to contain certification of payments and invoices for the recipient. The text in the email message...

0.6AI Score

2014-01-22 07:49 PM

Microsoft remotely deleted Tor-based 'Sefnit Botnet' from more than 2 Million Systems

In October 2013, Microsoft adopted a silent, offensive method to tackle infection due to a Tor-based botnet malware called 'Sefnit'. In an effort to takedown of the _Sefnit botnet _to protect windows users, Microsoft remotely removes the older versions of installed Tor Browser software and...

6.8AI Score

2014-01-21 03:53 AM

OpenBSD Project survived after $20,000 Donation from Romanian Bitcoin Billionaire

Last year in the month of December the Security-focused Unix-like distribution 'OpenBSD' Foundation announced that it was facing shut down due to lack of funds to pay their electricity bills and dedicated Internet line costs. Theo de __Raadt, the founder of the OpenBSD project, and Bob Beck...

6.9AI Score

2014-01-21 12:48 AM

U.S. Judge ordered the largest Ever Forfeiture of 29,655 Bitcoins seized from Silk Road

In last October, the Feds told they would probably just liquidate the bitcoins seized from the online black market Silk Road, once they were legally free to do so. Finally the United States District Judge_ J. Paul Oetken_ signed off on the forfeiture order for the Bitcoins, clearing the government....

6.8AI Score

2014-01-19 09:00 PM

NSA admits to collect 200 Million text messages per day under Project DISHFIRE

After the exposure of various surveillance programs, including PRISM, XKeyscore, MUSCULAR, DROPOUTJEEP in recent revelation, NSA has come up as the only ‘Government that Actually Listen’. Another day and here comes another revelation - According to the The Guardian, National Security Agency (NSA).....

6.6AI Score

2014-01-16 11:19 PM

Cyber criminals targeting another cryptocurrency 'Primecoin' with malicious miners

Like Bitcoin, There are numerous other cryptocurrency similar in nature, including MasterCoin, ProtoShares, Litecoin, Peercoin, BitBar and many more. One of them is Primecoin (sign: Ψ; code: XPM), a peer-to-peer open source cryptocurrency that implements a scientific computing proof-of-work...

7AI Score

2014-01-16 05:44 AM

Threat Outbreak Alert: Fake New Payment Attachment Email Messages on January 13, 2014

Medium Alert ID: 32411 First Published: 2014 January 14 17:48 GMT Version: 1 Summary Cisco Security has detected significant activity related to spam email messages that claim to contain new payment details attachment for the recipient. The text in the email message attempts to convince the...

0.5AI Score

2014-01-14 05:48 PM

Yahoo Encryption Slammed for Lack of Forward Secrecy, HSTS

Yahoo, as promised, rolled out HTTPs by default this week for its email service, bringing it in line with other Internet companies that have been securing users’ communication for years. But if Yahoo expected applause from security experts, it can think again. The response from those well-versed...

-0.7AI Score

2014-01-09 11:17 AM

PrisonLocker Ransomware Emerges From Criminal Underground

Security researchers from Malware Must Die uncovered new ransomware called PrisonLocker, and said the malware author is either a legitimate security researcher or is posing as one via a personal blog and Twitter handle. Malware Must Die has monitored PrisonLocker’s development since spotting it...

0.1AI Score

2014-01-06 03:04 PM

Threat Outbreak Alert: Fake Account Payment Information Email Messages on April 24, 2014

Medium Alert ID: 32294 First Published: 2014 January 2 19:14 GMT Last Updated: 2014 April 25 12:30 GMT Version: 70 Summary Cisco Security has detected significant activity related to spam email messages that claim to contain payment information for the recipient. The text in the email...

-0.2AI Score

2014-01-02 07:14 PM

eBay Open to Cross-Site Request Forgery, Account Hijacking

EBay is vulnerable to a hack that would allow an attacker to hijack an account and make unauthorized purchases from the victim’s account that would be difficult to disprove. The vulnerability was discovered and reported to eBay in August, and despite three separate communications from the online...

0.1AI Score

2013-12-27 12:02 PM

More than 1,400 Financial institutions in 88 Countries targeted by Banking Trojan in 2013

As the year draws to a close, we have seen the number of emerging threats like advance phishing attacks from the Syrian Electronic Army, financial malware and exploit kits, Cryptolocker ransomware infections, massive Bitcoin theft, extensive privacy breach from NSA and many more. The financial...

7.1AI Score

2013-12-22 06:12 AM

CryptoLocker Creators Infected Nearly 250,000 Systems, Earned $30 M Since September

UPDATE: The math in this and other reports was simply tabulated incorrectly. New American presidents often are measured by what they accomplish in their first 100 days. By that yardstick, the crew behind the CryptoLocker ransomware have been a raging success. The unknown group of attackers have...

-0.2AI Score

2013-12-20 09:45 AM

World’s largest Bitcoin Poker website hacked, 42000 user passwords leaked

World’s largest Bitcoin poker website 'SealsWithClubs' has been compromised and around 42,000 users' credentials are at risk. Seals With Club _has issued a _Mandatory Password Reset warning to their users, according to a statement published on the website. The service admitted their database had...

7.1AI Score

2013-12-20 07:55 AM

Chewbacca Tor-Based Malware Steals Keystrokes

The Tor network may provide a lead-lined cover for Internet users seeking a measure of privacy online, but it also has proven to be an attractive shelter for attackers. A number of malware campaigns have been able to successfully maneuver on Tor, using the anonymity network as a communication...

-0.1AI Score

2013-12-17 01:01 PM

Apple Fixes Security in WebKit, SAfari

Apple updated its Mac OS X Mavericks platform yesterday with a number of security fixes for the Safari browser and WebKit layout engine. The operating system update will move users to OS X Mavericks version 10.9.1. It appears that the broad operating system release is merely a repackaging of a...

1.5AI Score


2013-12-17 11:45 AM

Bitcoin-Related Malware Continues to Flourish

One good way to measure the popularity of an emerging technology or trend is to see how much attention attackers and malware authors are paying it. Using that as a yardstick, Bitcoin is moving its way up the charts in a hurry. The latest indication is some malware that researchers at Arbor...

0.9AI Score

2013-12-12 02:15 PM

microsoft disrupts zeroaccess botnet

Microsoft’s crusade against botnets raged on yesterday as the Redmond, Wash., computer giant and a coalition of law enforcement agencies and Internet security companies disrupted the notorious ZeroAccess botnet. ZeroAccess, or Sirefef as Microsoft likes to call it, is a malware platform that...

0.4AI Score

2013-12-06 10:43 AM

Bitcoin Client Detection (Bitcoin Protocol)

The remote host is a bitcoin stratum client. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment network. Bitcoin operates without a central authority or bank, relying on the individual users to both generate income and track money. Bitcoin revenue is generated by 'mining'. This is a CPU-intensive operation...

1.9AI Score

2013-12-06 12:00 AM

Bitcoin Client Detection (JSON/RPC)

The remote host is a bitcoin stratum client. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment network. Bitcoin operates without a central authority or bank, relying on the individual users to both generate income and track money. Bitcoin revenue is generated by 'mining'. This is a CPU-intensive operation...

2.4AI Score

2013-12-06 12:00 AM

Bitcoin Client Detection (Stratum)

The remote host is a bitcoin stratum client. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer payment network. Bitcoin operates without a central authority or bank, relying on the individual users to both generate income and track money. Bitcoin revenue is generated by 'mining'. This is a CPU-intensive operation...

2.1AI Score

2013-12-06 12:00 AM

Half Million Users Affected in JP Morgan Ucard data breach

An attack on the computer networks of banking giant JP Morgan Chase & Co. may have exposed sensitive information belonging to 465,000 prepaid cash-card holders, according to a Reuters report. JP Morgan said the attack targeted Web servers handling its Ucard program in mid-September and that the...

0.7AI Score

2013-12-05 12:32 PM

$100 Million Worth of Bitcoins Stolen

UPDATE: As if Bitcoin malware and Bitcoin mining malware weren’t enough to worry about, there was more trouble for the users of the digital crypto-currency last week as 96,000 Bitcoins disappeared from the Sheep Marketplace. Bicoin’s value has surged in recent weeks, peaking at an astonishing...

-0.4AI Score

2013-12-03 04:44 PM

Silk Road alternative 'Sheep Marketplace' shut down after $40 Million in Bitcoin Theft

Sheep Marketplace, one of the leading anonymous websites, after Silk Road's closure by U.S. Prosecutors, allegedly selling drugs, has gone offline claiming it was robbed of $6 million worth of Bitcoins. Like Silk Road, Sheep Marketplace was a Deep Web site accessible via the Tor network and...

6.7AI Score

2013-12-03 03:19 PM

Silk Road alternative 'Sheep Marketplace' shut down after $40 Million in Bitcoin Theft

Sheep Marketplace, one of the leading anonymous websites, after Silk Road’s closure by U.S. Prosecutors, allegedly selling drugs, has gone offline claiming it was robbed of $6 million worth of Bitcoins. Like Silk Road, Sheep Marketplace was a Deep Web site accessible via the Tor network and...

6.7AI Score

2013-12-03 04:19 AM

Threat Outbreak Alert: Fake Bank Debt Notification Email Messages on November 28, 2013

Medium Alert ID: 31936 First Published: 2013 December 2 21:01 GMT Version: 1 Summary Cisco Security has detected significant activity related to spam email messages that claim to contain a notification of debt for the recipient. The text in the email message attempts to convince the recipient...

0.7AI Score

2013-12-02 09:01 PM

Don't Install Crap ! Bitcoin Mining malware bundled with Potentially Unwanted Programs

The increasing public attention of Bitcoin did not go unnoticed by Cyber Criminals who have begun unleashing Bitcoin Mining malware. Security researchers at Malwarebytes warned about a new malware threat, in which Bitcoin Miners are bundled with third party potentially unwanted programs (PUPs)...

7AI Score

2013-11-30 11:03 PM

Don't Install Crap ! Bitcoin Mining malware bundled with Potentially Unwanted Programs

The increasing public attention of Bitcoin did not go unnoticed by Cyber Criminals who have begun unleashing Bitcoin Mining malware. Security researchers at Malwarebytes warned about a new malware threat, in which Bitcoin Miners are bundled with third party potentially unwanted programs (PUPs)...

7AI Score

2013-11-30 12:03 PM

CryptoLocker Ransomware Forensics Leads to Encrypted Files

If CryptoLocker is teaching enterprise IT and security people anything, it’s that backup is king. The ransomware is unforgiving; it will find and encrypt documents on local and shared drives and it will not give them back. Experts don’t advise victims to pay the ransom, which means infected...

-0.7AI Score

2013-11-27 03:38 PM

Danish Bitcoin exchange BIPS hacked and 1,295 Bitcoins worth $1 Million Stolen

The breaking news is that, another Bitcoin exchange company gets hacked i.e. BIPS (, one of the largest European Danish Bitcoin payment processors. On Friday evening, a bunch of cyber criminals just broke into BIPs -Bitcoin payment processor servers and wiped out around 1,295 Bitcoin...

6.7AI Score

2013-11-25 07:30 PM

The Silk Road Founder financially linked to Bitcoin Creator Satoshi Nakamoto

Two most important moments in the history of Bitcoin are : Its creation by Satoshi __Nakamoto, and the burst of The Silk Road's Founder Ross William ______Ulbricht. The silk Road's black market was a Bitcoin economy. According to a report published by two Israeli computer scientists, Ross William.....

6.7AI Score

2013-11-25 04:26 PM
Total number of security vulnerabilities6256